IB土耳其语A文学,IB Turkish A Literature,106

发表时间:2021-05-12 10:43


IB Turkish A Literature

Course Content   2021年IB土耳其语A文学考试大纲

What students will learn in the Turkish A Literature: literature course

In the language A: literature course, students will learn about the various manifestations of literature as a powerful mode of writing across cultures and throughout history. They will explore and develop an understanding of factors that contribute to the production and reception of literature, such as:

●   the creativity of writers and readers

●   the nature of the interaction with the writers’ and readers’ respective contexts and with literary tradition

●   the ways in which language can give rise to meaning and/or effect

●   the performative and transformative potential of literary creation and response.

Through close analysis of literary texts in a number of forms and from different times and places, students will consider their own interpretations, as well as the critical perspectives of others. In turn, this will encourage the exploration of how viewpoints are shaped by cultural belief systems and how meanings are negotiated within them. Students will be involved in processes of critical response and creative production, which will help shape their awareness of how texts work to influence the reader and how readers open up the possibilities of texts. With its focus on literature, this course is particularly concerned with developing sensitivity to aesthetic uses of language and empowering students to consider the ways in which literature represents and constructs the world and social and cultural identities.

Turkish A Literature course requirements

At standard level (SL), at least 9 works must be studied across the three areas of exploration while at higher level (HL), at least 13 works must be studied.

The IB has created an extensive Prescribed reading list of authors in a wide range of languages to accompany studies in language and literature courses. This searchable online list provides teachers with a resource from which they will be able to select a group of authors that guarantees diversity and compliance with course requirements. Six authors have been suggested as a starting point in the exploration of the literature of each language. Teachers can decide whether to follow this recommendation or not.

In selecting works, teachers should attempt to achieve a balance between literary form, period and place, and endeavour to include a variety of forms the human and artistic experience can take.

SL students must study at least nine works of which:

●   a minimum of four must be written originally in the language studied, by authors on the Prescribed reading list

●   a minimum of three must be works in translation written by authors on the Prescribed reading list

●   two can be chosen freely—from the Prescribed reading list or elsewhere—and may be in translation.

There must be a minimum of two works studied for each area of exploration. Works must be selected to cover three literary forms, three periods and three countries or regions (as defined on the Prescribed reading list) in at least two continents.

HL students must study at least 13 works of which:

●   a minimum of five must be written originally in the language studied, by authors on the Prescribed reading list

●   a minimum of four must be works in translation written by authors on the Prescribed reading list

●   four can be chosen freely—from the Prescribed reading list or elsewhere—and may be in translation.

There must be a minimum of three works for each area of exploration. Works must be selected to cover the four literary forms, three periods and four countries or regions as defined on the Prescribed reading list in at least two continents.

A work is defined for studies in language and literature courses as one single major literary text, such as a novel, autobiography or biography; two or more shorter literary texts such as novellas; 5–10 short stories; 5–8 essays; 10–15 letters; or a substantial section or the whole of a long poem (at least 600 lines) or 15–20 shorter poems. Where more than one text is studied as part of a work, texts must be from the same author and belong to the same sub-category within one literary form.

The ideas and skills introduced in each of the areas of exploration are integral to and embedded throughout the course, and there is a significant overlap. Teachers should take into account the type and range of works to be studied, the time required for each area of the course, the development of student skills, learning outcomes, performance work to be undertaken and assessment deadlines when making decisions regarding teaching sequence. More guidance on course construction models is provided in the Language A teacher support material.







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国内高中生的数理化科目成绩通常都不错,在这个基础上衍生出来的各种竞赛、科研项目也是同一性质的比拼。但欧美大学本科阶段的定位是通识教育,IB科目选择的均衡性同样很重要。由于国内高中生对商业管理HL、商业管理SL、全球政治、全球政治HL、历史、经济学、地理、哲学、心理学、社会文化人类学HL、社会文化人类学SL、环境系统与社会世界宗教、舞蹈HL、舞蹈SL、电影、戏剧、戏剧HL、音乐、音乐HL、音乐创作SL、音乐小组表演SL、视觉艺术HL、视觉艺术SL、视觉艺术、阿拉伯语A语言与文学、阿拉伯语A文学、中文A语言与文学、中文A文学、英语A语言与文学、英语A文学、法语A语言与文学、法语A文学、德语A语言与文学、德语A文学、意大利语A语言与文学、意大利语A文学、日语A语言与文学、日语A文学、韩语A语言与文学、韩语A文学、葡萄牙语A语言与文学、葡萄牙语A文学、俄语A语言与文学、俄语A文学、西班牙语A语言与文学、西班牙语A文学、泰语A语言与文学、泰语A文学、阿拉伯语B、阿拉伯语 ab initio、英语B、英语B ab initio、法语B、法语B ab initio、德语B、德语B ab initio、意大利语B、意大利语B ab initio、日语B、日语B ab initio、韩语B、普通话与广东话B、普通话 ab initio、葡萄牙语B、俄语B、俄语B ab initio、西班牙语B、西班牙语B ab initio等科目的文化背景知识不熟悉,备考起来相对于数理化科目难度较大,所以选择的学生很少,但物以稀为贵,相比大多数学生常考的IB数学、IB物理、IB化学、IB生物等科目,一份6-7分的IB历史、IB音乐等成绩单,会让欧美大学招生官眼前一亮,令您在众多申请者中脱颖而出。


既然数理化科目很难超越学霸对手,那就换个思路,在人文科目上多下点功夫吧,IB商业管理HL、IB商业管理SL、IB全球政治、IB全球政治HL、IB历史、IB经济学、IB地理、IB哲学、IB心理学、IB社会文化人类学HL、IB社会文化人类学SL、IB环境系统与社会世界宗教、IB舞蹈HL、IB舞蹈SL、IB电影、IB戏剧、IB戏剧HL、IB音乐、IB音乐HL、IB音乐创作SL、IB音乐小组表演SL、IB视觉艺术HL、IB视觉艺术SL、IB视觉艺术、IB阿拉伯语A语言与文学、IB阿拉伯语A文学、IB中文A语言与文学、IB中文A文学、IB英语A语言与文学、IB英语A文学、IB法语A语言与文学、IB法语A文学、IB德语A语言与文学、IB德语A文学、IB意大利语A语言与文学、IB意大利语A文学、IB日语A语言与文学、IB日语A文学、IB韩语A语言与文学、IB韩语A文学、IB葡萄牙语A语言与文学、IB葡萄牙语A文学、IB俄语A语言与文学、IB俄语A文学、IB西班牙语A语言与文学、IB西班牙语A文学、IB泰语A语言与文学、IB泰语A文学、IB阿拉伯语B、IB阿拉伯语 ab initio、IB英语B、IB英语B ab initio、IB法语B、IB法语B ab initio、IB德语B、IB德语B ab initio、IB意大利语B、IB意大利语B ab initio、IB日语B、IB日语B ab initio、IB韩语B、IB普通话与广东话B、IB普通话 ab initio、IB葡萄牙语B、IB俄语B、IB俄语B ab initio、IB西班牙语B、IB西班牙语B ab initio等,都是不错的选择。



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